Tuesday, July 10, 2007

last day...

So, I played today, for what was likely my last time in Vegas. yesterday, i was in a great 30-60 game at Bellagio, but was never up or down more than 300 bucks. i had a guy raise me on the turn with a gutshot and get there (when I had QQ). It was a spectacular game, and now i can say, for the first time, i am totally comfortable in a 30-60 game.

Today, I was at the Rio and they had 0 limit games going. i was here to rail Matt and Action bob
(they both busted out)... I actually sat in a 4-8 game for 8 hands (won both hands I played...to the tune of 38 bucks! schweet!)

Then they opened up a 10-20 game and it was a blast. we played 3 handed for a while, and I did well. the guy on my left kept straddling and raising, but i had a good sense of how he was playing, so it didn't bother me... I ended the day up 874, which is pretty good. for the trip, playing limit hold em, I am up about 3k (even after the first day where i was down 1.5 k), but because of nl cash and the sats, i am down a bit for the trip. nothing terrible, i am happy to say.
it makes it even clearer to me I should be playing limit hold em or tournaments with quality structures only. everything else my edge is weaker...

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