Thursday, June 28, 2007


Played 20/40 at the rio for a bunch of hours. didn't seem like I played a lot of hands, but I kept winning big pots... I flopped top set of jacks on an all spade board, and capped (5 bets) with 2 other players. By then, i knew I needed the board to pair for me to win. Happily, it did pair on the end and I won a pot that had 736 in it.

Two open enders made straights and they held up, though one time I had tens against eights and then she flopped quads. Also, i made a flush only to lose to a straight flush... i also made a marginal fold that cost me a big pot.

Still, I ended up 1k for the session, which is great. I'm still down for the trip, but I'm on the comeback trail.


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